How to Improve Battery Life:-
How to improve battery life on Samsung s25 plus now as you can see if you have a brown a brand new phone you probably want to make sure that your battery will last well for years at least and in order to make sure of that you simply go to settings scroll down a bit and here you have battery and here we can find almost all of our all of our settings that may uh that we can use in order to well improve our battery lifespan .
- Enable Power Saving Mode:-
The very first one is obviously the power saving mode uh when we enable that our phone will do a bunch of different things and we can see the list of those right here meaning that our battery uh won’t exactly it will last longer but it won’t basically improve the Aging that much uh it will just drain slower so for example when we enable by default power saving our CPU speed is limited to 70% we are turning off always on display meaning that if would turn oh even that changed if would turn it off and I click once you can see that we don’t have an always on display which does drain battery a lot that’s that’s something uh yeah that’s a fact uh the power saving mode will also automatically decrease the brightness and you can also just increase it by decrease it by yourself uh in order to save more battery uh it will send set motion smoothness to standard meaning that mean it’s hard to spot for some speed from for some it’s really easy to spot for others but it will basically make the phone a bit laggier however if you’re not paying attention to the movements of your phone uh you probably won’t you probably won’t even uh find the difference obviously.
Now well our phone looks normally while still being in power saving mode but if you prefer dark mode you can just use dark mode anyway and the last thing to do the last thing it does is setting screen timeout to 60 seconds so after 60 seconds of doing nothing the screen will automatically turn off to save the most battery there he can we can also see that there is an option for maximum power saving and it will basically disable all almost everything except few essential apps uh as you can see currently it’s disabled in order to enable it you can disable uh power saving here you want to enable maximum power saving and once we enable that we can see that we only have bunch of essential applications while we can also add few ones but all of this doesn’t really uh extend your battery battery life itself it will just make it so it drains slower but um the specific uh the specific settings for the fixing battery life itself and fixing improving can be found once again in battery but a bit lower in the battery protection .
- Battery Protection Feature:-
As you can see even our phone will tell you that keeping your battery at a full 100% charge for a long time can indeed reduce its lifespan CH an option below to protect your battery and make it last longer so we definitely want to have it enabled because as you can see if we have it disabled it’s well basically tell you okay you don’t want me well then do it yourself so you would have to manually check your phone and for example don’t plug it in at night since it will probably for sure charge all the way up to 100% and then keep charging meaning that your battery won’t last as long so would definitely advise you to enable battery protection and if you want to make sure that uh your battery lifespan uh can is improved well how much as it can possibly be would advise you to switch to the maximum and don’t change the slider here but stay at 80% what it does it will basically oh we can uh r for yourself it will basically stop charging whenever it reaches 80% and when it falls down for example to 75% it will start change charging once again and the basic and the basic mode works very similarly but except 80% uh cap it has well 100% cap so when it’s reached when it’s reaching 100% uh it will stop charging and after it falls down to 95 it will charge again and the Adaptive is basically a mix between two and it’s using your your sleep patterns .
- Disable Fast Charging (Optional):-
You connected your charging your phone to a charger then your phone is in maximum mode uh but whenever you’re not sleeping your phone will be in basic mode but once again if you want to improve your battery life like the best you possibly can would advise you to stick with the maximum and the very last option actually .
- Disable Wireless Power Sharing:-
The two options here we have charging settings and if you want to disable fast charging because you you think that hey maybe they are actually maybe my batter is raining faster because using fast charging um some people believe that some people don’t but if you are not sure and you just want to be sure that your battery won’t have any risk of draining and losing its lifespan would advise you to disable this option just to be sure but if you don’t care that much because new Samsungs the battery are pretty solid you can just enable it back on it’s your call and the very last option .
- Regular Battery Care Tips:-Use Dark Mode:-
Wireless power sharing uh what it basically does is you can you can oh sorry uh you can basically give away your battery uh to other devices when you as you can see in the little animation if you put them back at the back of your screen you can also set your battery limit to it so it won’t give away the bare minimum is 30% so after you give away all of your battery it will stop giving it away if your phone is at 30% and you can also increase it to 90 even but by default.
6.Use Dark Mode:-
At least don’t have it enabled all the time only enabling and only enabling when you need it when you need it to so now well very quick review power saving mode is really cool but you probably want to disable you probably want to disable super power ultra saving mode and if you’re a light mode user you can simply disable dark mode but you can easily just keep keep it on and your battery lifespan will be very very long and the most important thing is this battery protection option right here and you need to make sure that it is enabled it doesn’t have to be switched to maximum you can easily have it on basic but if you don’t your battery lifespan won’t be as long as it can.