Get 12 Hours of Battery 🔋Life on Your iPhone 📱 Best Battery Saving Tips

12 Hours of Battery Life on Your iPhone: Best Battery Saving Tips:-

If you are an iPhone user and you are very much troubled by the battery life of your iPhone,
some settings and tips related to iPhone, by which you can increase the battery backup of your iPhone more, the battery backup of your iPhone will increase .

  1. Use Dark Mode to Save Battery:-

So the first tip in the battery saving tip is that all of you should always use dark mode in your iPhone, for that you have to come to the control center from here and you will see such an icon here, from here you can set up your dark mode or if you want, go to the settings and come to display and brightness and dark mode from here also You can choose it because since you are buying iPhone 11, it has Owl display, so here you are seeing black, the light is not on here, that means the pixels of its display are off, so what will happen is that your battery life will increase a lot because your display will not consume battery and here in the settings below you get the option of auto lock, auto lock means you use the phone for as long as you use it, then if you keep the phone like this, then after how much time does the phone turn off itself.

  1. Adjust Auto-Lock Settings:-

Keep it maximum for 1 minute, minimum you have to keep it for 30 seconds only, if you keep it for more than 1 minute, then it will affect your battery life somewhere, so you should keep it at least for 30 seconds, it will give you a better backup .

  1. Turn Off ‘Raise to Wake’:-

The option of raise to wake, this feature is there because whenever you keep the phone upside down on a table and then when you pick up your phone, no matter how many times you keep your phone or If you pick it up, the display light will turn on every time. Wherever you keep the phone in your hand, if you pick up the phone, the display light will turn on.

  1. Use Auto-Brightness:-

So turn it off from here because if the light of your display keeps turning on again and again, it will affect your battery life and will also affect your battery backup. Apart from this, many people make the mistake of keeping the brightness of the phone full because a brighter display looks better, but keeping the brightness high all the time will drain your battery very quickly.

If you keep it on auto brightness, then in very high lighting conditions, the brightness of your battery display will automatically increase and if there is a low light situation, then the light will decrease there. So your experience of the phone will also be good and your battery life will also be very good.

  1. Avoid Live and Weather Wallpapers:-

Now what many people do is that they use such weather or live wallpapers in which unnecessary movement keeps happening and It also keeps tracking the location, so what happens is that it affects your battery life, your battery keeps draining quickly, so I would suggest you to use a normal wallpaper, if you use a dark wallpaper, then it will be more effective in your battery life.

  1. Remove Unnecessary Widgets:-

Our next tip is that we keep using widgets etc. here, so whatever widgets are not useful like this Gmail 3, remove them from there, what will happen is that your battery life will improve somewhere, your battery will drain less.

  1. Keep Your iPhone Updated:-

The next tip is that you go to the settings of your iPhone, from here come to the general, come to the software update and check whatever latest update has come, install it, yes sometimes such updates also come in which your battery life decreases very quickly, then your battery drains very quickly but it is fixed very quickly.

  1. Turn Off Always-On Display (iPhone 14 Pro and Later):-

In the next update, so if you have any phone after 14 Pro to 16 Pro or Pro Max If there is any device, then the option of always on display is available in all of them, so you should turn it off from there, come to the settings and scroll down to display and brightness, you will find the always on option here, you should turn it off, by default all these are on because when you keep it always on, your wallpaper keeps showing somewhere in it, so it drains your battery a lot, so you can also turn off the show wallpaper, now even for the notifications, your always on will remain off, but here it will show the date and time.

  1. Turn Off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth When Not in Use:-

Keep it off because battery life is more important for me, the wifi bluetooth here in all the devices consumes a lot of battery, by default if we turn it off from here, then it just gets disconnected, it does not turn off, so before sleeping at night, turn it off from here immediately, see from here it is showing not connected, it is disconnected, turn it off one by one from here because the things which are not to be used at all, they waste battery It is better to keep consuming it, turn it off before sleeping at night.

  1. Disable iCloud Backup (If Not Needed):-

For settings also you have to go to settings, from here you have to come to mobile service, from here scroll down and the option of i cloud backup which is visible, you have to turn it off because it consumes the data of your plan as well and it keeps taking backup on your mobile data, a loud backup also causes your phone to heat up more.

  1. Enable Charging Limit for iPhones After Series 15:-

If you have any device after 15 series, then you have to come to settings and turn on this setting in battery,from here you have to set charging limit at 80, if you are not able to do it then you can increase it to 90, 85, this will keep your battery health good, if the battery health is good then you will get to see good battery life somewhere.

  1. Disable AirDrop and ‘Bring Devices Together’ Feature:-

What mistake some people make is that they always keep Air Drop on their phone, because they can manage it from the control center, you have to come to Journal here, come to Air Drop, turn it off because it consumes a lot of your battery backup in the background.

  1. Monitor Battery Usage by Apps:-

And turn off the option of bringing devices together. This feature is for when you put two i’s together, a cool animation appears and your name drop which is called works but it keeps using many of your sensors in the background, so you should have turned it off. To settings here, go to battery here, from here you have to see which app is consuming the most battery, if you do not need that app, then you can install that app or if you use it and cannot install it, then you can search for that app by coming to the store here or you can update all the apps by going from here, what will happen with this, your battery life will improve somewhere .

  1. Turn Off Haptics:-

The next setting also you have to scroll further and come to sound and haptics here, now what is haptics, haptics is that which you can do by pressing anything on your keyboard When you type, that ticking sound comes and you feel the vibration, that is haptics, so you have to turn it off from here because whenever your haptics are on, then turn off both of them from there, if you do not need it much, then you should turn it off, this will save a lot of battery of your iPhone, if you are still not able to turn it off, then turn on the sound and keep haptics off.

  1. Turn Off Background App Refresh for Unused Apps:-

The next setting you have to come to the general, from the general you have to scroll and here the option of background app refresh will be visible, you have to come here and there will be many such apps in it which you do not use on daily basis, so you have to turn it off one by one or you can come from here and turn off all the apps permanently, it drains your battery a lot, it keeps refreshing the app in the background.

  1. Disable Unnecessary Notifications:-

Your notifications also keep draining your battery life, so you can do it here From here, go to Settings and scroll to Notifications and from here turn off the notifications of all the apps whose notifications you do not want, what will happen with this is that you will be less distracted and your battery will also be saved.

  1. Manage Location Services:-

The next setting will also be available in the Settings itself, from here you have to scroll down and come to Privacy and Security, from here you will see the option of Location Services, it keeps draining your battery, but you do not have to turn it off at all because if your phone gets lost, then it will be easy for you to track your phone.

  1. Turn Off Analytics & Improve Maps:-

To see which apps are those to which you do not have to give permission of location, like here on the camera only using app, then from here you can never do it, there is no need of location in it, if you feel that it should be with it, then you can turn on only using the pop, you can do this with all the apps and from here you scroll down to System Services, after that you can see your Which one is going to turn off regarding, like turn your regarding on and off, then from here you have to come down, turn off Improve Maps, turn off Analytics, this will not only save your battery life but will also reduce your target ads to some extent, you will not see any useless ads here and there, in the next setting, in Privacy and Security.

  1. Use Low Power Mode:-

See the option of Analytics and Improvements, here you have to turn off all the settings because a lot of your battery drains from here and in the Control Center you will find an icon of Low Power Mode, you have to keep it enabled, this will save your is battery but somewhere it reduces the performance of your i’s a little bit, so if you perform any heavy task, then you disable it, in such day to day life you will not even know that the phone is running slow, but if you perform any heavy task, then you may feel that the phone is running a little slow, so turn this off You can disable it at that time. Apart from this, you have to go to settings here, go to settings profile, here you have to go to cloud, in iCloud, whatever you see here for which you do not need any backup, then turn it off because it will keep taking unnecessary backup and it will also keep draining your battery somewhere or the other.

  1. Avoid Excessive Heat:-

Apart from this, you have to keep one more thing in mind that whenever you use your iPhone, it should not become too hot because if your iPhone gets too hot then its battery will drain quickly and it will not be able to give you good battery life. So, these were some tips and tricks that by adopting you can get good battery backup from your iPhone.

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